Humans love to hold a warm, furry cat in their arms or in their laps (with some exceptions, of course) but humans aren't the only primates who like pets. Monkeys and apes seem to have a similar affinity to cats, as you'll see in a gallery of cute pictures at Environmental Graffiti. Link
(Image credit: Flickr user Salim Virji)
Newest 4 Comments
Wow, this is crazy - I had never thought that this could happen. The photo with the chimp holding the tiger cub is especially bizarre!
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better title: 'when primates adopt kitties,' because the photo shows a monkey. Just sayin'.
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The cat is obviously enjoying the cuddle session with the primate. If it was unhappy in any way, its ears would be lying flat against the back of its head. They loves each other....:)
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I can't tell if this cat is enjoying having it's crotch scratched by a big hairy creature, or if it's gone to it's happy place.
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