How could anyone resist that adorable face? Luckily the Wilhelma Zoo in Germany can't because they agreed to take in little Tano here after his inexperienced mother showed that she was unable to take care of the little cutie:
While at Zoo Prague, keepers rushed him to an incubator because without the body warmth of Bikira, he would not have survived. Attempts were made to return him to his mother's arms. Sadly, these were unsuccessful. In order to ensure the infant's survival, hand-rearing was the only option.
As it turns out, Tano's mommy and grandparents were raised at the Wilhelma Zoo, so he'll at least be following family tradition by growing up there.
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I just died from the cute!!!!!
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That's such an adorable picture!
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This baby gorilla reminds me of Chewbaca in Star Wars. :D
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