Virgo and Scorpio Need Not Apply!

Are you a Virgo or a Scorpio? Don't bother applying for a job at this Chinese firm!

A Chinese firm has decided Scorpios and Virgos are too moody and critical, telling job seekers with those star signs they need not apply. Capricorns, Pisces and Libras, on the other hand, are welcome.

The unusual requirements are part of a job ad posted at a university in the central city of Wuhuan by an English language training company, and have generated a storm of online controversy since they were uncovered this week.
"We don't want Scorpios or Virgos, and Capricorns, Pisces and Libras will be prioritised," the job spec reads, according to the Chutian Metropolis Daily, a local newspaper in Wuhan.

The report quoted a woman in charge at the unnamed firm as saying she had done research and found Scorpios had strong personalities and were moody, while Virgos were hugely critical and did not stay in one job for long.

"I hired people with those two star signs before, and they either liked quarrelling with colleagues or they could not do the job for long," the woman, surnamed Xia, said.


Previously on Neatorama: What's Your Sign? Nope. Try Again.

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Absolutely true ....

All the scorpio colleagues i have are megalomaniac fighters....they will fight for anything and everything and turns the work place toxic !
I hate to work with them and skip their teams if possible.

not much experience with Virgos

I guess chinese are not stupid !
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@ Ryan S

I think you mean Prototype, not Stereotype. One can have a prototype in mind of a chair, but a bean-bag chair, a laz-y-boy or a lawn chair are exemplars of the Chair prototype.

You can find similar discussions on prototype models as applied to birds.
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