Buzludzha Monument

A monument to communism sits in the middle of Bulgaria in Buzludzha National Park. Like many oversize Soviet-era constructions, it is falling into ruin. But what's amazing about this building is that it is only 30 years old! Kuriositas has a look inside at the once-glorious architecture with its massive propaganda artwork and the poor condition it has fallen into only ten years after its abandonment. Link

(Image credit: Wikipedia user Infobgv)

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I feel like I've parachuted onto this thing in some First-Person-Shooter game like COUNTERSTRIKE.

Or it reminds me of the structure in the winter level of INCEPTION.
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This is a historically informative, visually interesting, and well-written story. Thanks for posting it. This is the sort of article I visit Neatorama for. Not childish, nerdy, geeky obsessions that exacerbate autistic symptoms. ;-)
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