Traffic Mimes

Forget traffic cops! The traffic situation in Caracas, Venezuela is so bad that the mayor called in the heavy guns: traffic mimes.

You read that right:

A sort of silent shame has cropped up in South American cities, as officials plead with both drivers and pedestrians to obey traffic laws by using the antics of hired mimes.

And why not? Nearly everyone looks at a mime, especially when dressed in a brightly colored getup while eagerly making fun of people on the side of a busy street. The latest effort has about 120 mimes on the downtown streets of Venezuela's capital, Caracas, making a (silent) scene any time a driver or pedestrian disobeys a traffic rule.

Link (Photo: Ariana Cubillos)

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Everybody looks at a mime? Really? Most people I know would cross the road to avoid one, even more so those idiots who pretend to be statues. With apologies to Terry Pratchett I can only say: Learn the words.
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