Quick, guess which one is the real panda! Tao Tao is a giant panda born at the Wolong Panda wild training base in China, but he has never seen a human face. His caretakers have always dressed in panda costumes any time they were around him! They are training Tao Tao for a life in the wild bamboo forest. See more pictures at Shortlist, where you can also see a video of Tao Tao's birth and first year. Link -via Buzzfeed
Quick, guess which one is the real panda! Tao Tao is a giant panda born at the Wolong Panda wild training base in China, but he has never seen a human face. His caretakers have always dressed in panda costumes any time they were around him! They are training Tao Tao for a life in the wild bamboo forest. See more pictures at Shortlist, where you can also see a video of Tao Tao's birth and first year. Link -via Buzzfeed
Pretty sad when a species becomes so inept at breeding and raising their young that they would completely die out without the huge time investment made by another species.
Just let Darwin do his job and get rid of the too stupid to breed dead end species.