I will admit that I feel quite envious whenever I see the human brain in a jar of formaldehyde that Alex keeps on his desk here at the office. But this huge fluorite skull, weighing 145 pounds and measuring 16.9 inches across, may compensate for it. Even better: the advertising for the company (which seems to specialize in skull manufacturing) indicates that if I purchase one of their products, beautiful women will find me attractive. http://www.obviouswinner.com/obvwin/2011/7/14/giant-iridescent-titan-skull-made-from-rainbow-fluorite-crys.html -via Geekosystem | Company Website
I will admit that I feel quite envious whenever I see the human brain in a jar of formaldehyde that Alex keeps on his desk here at the office. But this huge fluorite skull, weighing 145 pounds and measuring 16.9 inches across, may compensate for it. Even better: the advertising for the company (which seems to specialize in skull manufacturing) indicates that if I purchase one of their products, beautiful women will find me attractive. http://www.obviouswinner.com/obvwin/2011/7/14/giant-iridescent-titan-skull-made-from-rainbow-fluorite-crys.html -via Geekosystem | Company Website