What Is It? game 184

Once again, it's time for our collaboration with the always amusing What Is It? Blog. Do you know what the pictured item is? Can you make a wild guess?

Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, please, though you can enter as many as you'd like. Post no URLs or weblinks, as doing so will forfeit your entry. Two winners: the first correct guess and the funniest (albeit ultimately wrong) guess will win T-shirt from the NeatoShop.

Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize, okay? May we suggest the Science T-Shirt, Funny T-Shirt and Artist-Designed T-Shirts?

For more clues, check out the What Is It? Blog. There's another picture of this item at a slightly different angle there. Good luck!

Update: the object in question is a mailing machine for putting addresses on newspapers and magazines. Villaridge knew that, and won a t-shirt from the NeatoShop. Meanwhile, DocKami said, "it's a .... IT'S A TRAP !" which made me laugh, so he wins a t-shirt for the funniest answer. It does kind of resemble a trap, doesn't it?

I also want to remind you of the "one guess per comment" rule, because we had a lot of people with multiple guesses this week, and that's not really fair to everyone else. Of course, you are welcome to leave as many comments as you want.

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It's a wing labeler. Used one to address newspapers at our local weekly paper. Addresses were printed on long strips of paper, pasted together and rolled up on the spindle. There is a gear on the handle that let you advance the paper, the paper passes over the tin of paste. You placed the sticky paper on the newspaper and pushing down on the labeler caused the wing to cut the label off. Handy little gadget.
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It's a device for applying wallboard (paper) tape - used when spackeling -- Spackleing -- Spaqueling -- Fixing the joints.

Come to the dark side - we have cookies 3X
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a custom made kite spool for charlie brown... however never introduced in the cartoon series... the line of the kite is winded up on the cranced reel at the rear end...the thumb brake serves to slowly release the line between the front rollers...
and on front there is an emergency line cutter in case the kite-seeking and eating tree striked again...

Execution vs. Ideas 2xl Ash Grey
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