Your GPS Is Wrong!

The Internet is packed with examples of motorists getting into trouble for trusting their GPS navigation - so color me glad to see someone creative enough to tack on a "Your GPS Is Wrong!" sign to warn people of this dead end road. I think it should be standard issue for some roads. Via The Presurfer.

Previously: GPS Strands Motorist on Mountain

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I think I was on this road, it lead up a side of a mountain, ended on a one lane gravel road, at night, in the rain, sheer drop on one side, cliff on the other, no way to turn around, it eventually came out on the other side, eventually.....It was so freakin dark and scary that I stopped to take a leak and the two hulking college football players in the backseat started squealing like little girls to not get out of the car......LOL
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I was 35 miles into a 70 mile bike ride when I found out that my directions, which had told me to take a smaller road up the mountain, actually pointed me to gravel trail. I had no choice but to pick up the bike and regret trusting Google Maps.
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