Pot Shop Raided on 4/20

Photo: Venice311.org

What better day to raid a medical marijuana dispensary than 4/20 AKA National Weed Day? The LAist explains:

No better day for a tour of beachfront dispensaries than April 20th, or 4/20, the date/time a bunch of stoners once decided to use as code for smoking the pot. But to walk into a marijuana dispensary, one must have a medical marijuana ID card administered by a county health official (thanks to, yep -- CA Senate Bill 420). But for at least one store on the Venice boardwalk, the day began with an uninvited visit by card-carriers of the authoritative kind -- the ones dressed in blue.

Authorities raided the Medical Kush Doctor on Venice's Ocean Front Walk Wednesday, according to multiple reports. The dispensary, at 1811 Ocean Front Walk, is apparently also known as Medical Kush Beach Club.

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Here in Michigan, there are pot stores everywhere. Almost anyone is allowed to grow it at home, so there is a booming industry in growing equipment. Almost every little hardware store sells the gear for growing indoors. Anyone with a card can grow up to 12 plants for themselves and carry up to 2.5 ounces on their person. There is so much good locally grown weed here that it's hard to find any from Mexico.
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In CA it's illegal for a Doctors office and a Dispensary to be owned and operated by the same company/entity. Plus the establishment gave the authorities plenty of reasons to pay attention to them. The Venice boardwalk is a black eye for medical marijuana and its nice to see the authorities cleaning up the trash.
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