Archive for April 1st, 2011

Fake Faxes Help Prisoner Escape from Jail Twice

The wife of a prisoner in Spain sent fake but official-looking faxes to the jails in which her husband was being held. Both times, he was released: In December, he was in a cell at Arganda del Rey courthouse awaiting...

Surgical Robot Folds Tiny Paper Airplane

(Video Link) Watch Dr. Jim Porter manipulate a da Vinci surgical robot to build a paper airplane about the size of a penny. At the end, he tries to fling it into the air, again, using only the robot's arms. via...

Statue Removed from French Town for Being Too Well Endowed

The government of the French town of Neuville-en-Ferrain commissioned a statue of Marianne, a traditional symbol of the French Revolution. After protests by the mayor and other residents, the statue was removed for havi...

Lace Streetcar

Canadian artist Dorie Millerson makes sculptures out of lace, such as this streetcar from Toronto. Another cool series in her portfolio called "attachments" takes old sepia toned family photographs and recreates the...

This Year's Best April Fools' Day Pranks around the Web

(Video Link) Today is the most difficult of all days on which to be a Neatorama author because we must attempt to distinguish between the neat real and the neat fake. Confusing hijinks abound on t...

Massive Home Aquarium Can Hold 4,800 Gallons

In the basement of Jack Heathcote's five-bedroom home, you can find the largest aquarium in Britain. In measures approximately 13 by 13 by 7 feet and can hold 4,800 gallons when filled to capacity. Heathcote has to cle...

If the Editors of Cosmopolitan Produced the Magazine Guns & Ammo

It'd probably look something like this. Although agitating a range safety officer (RO) is usually a bad idea. You don't want to become the that guy at the range. Image by Robb Allen using a photo by Ole...

Lil Devil's Trick of the Day

Lil Devil's Trick of the Day - $10.45 It's April Fools' Day! Is your bag of tricks all packed and ready to go? No!!!  Well, don't get caught with your pants down again!  Get over to the NeatoShop and get the Lil Dev...

Hurrdurr frummm Hurrlesque

Look, something's wrong with Neatorama! Not to worry, that's just the Hurrdurr version. You can make any website look like this by going through HURRDURR.IT, new from the folks at Urlesque, which is going by the name...

Motion-activated Sprinkler

[caption id="attachment_44063" align="aligncenter" width="350" caption="Even the Wicked Witch is no match for the Scarecrow!"][/caption] Amazon sells the Contech Electronics CRO101 Scarecrow Motion-Activated Sprinkler...

Mousetraps: A Symbol of the American Entrepreneurial Spirit

"Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door." Sure, it's an old saw, but it's also literally true. Between 1838, when the United States Patent Office opened its doors, and 1996, the year that...

Monsters Abroad

Colin Greenhalgh adds monsters and somewhat-poetic captions to vintage postcards to make them much more interesting. Meanwhile in Adventure Land, an imp lands a hand, scaring all the guests. Onlookers are captivated...

Scientists and Their Belly Button Biomes

Who has more bacteria in their navel -Carl Zimmer of The Loom or Peter Aldhous of NewScientist? The swabs have been taken, and the cultures were grown. You can see the results in petri dishes. It's part of the Belly Butt...

Darth Vader's Ice Cream Truck

(YouTube link) Imagine an ice cream truck rolling into your neighborhood playing that tune -wouldn't you run to it as fast as you can? Admiral Snackbar, indeed! This is an advertisement for Star Wars Popsicles, one...

The Eleven Most Terrible Kid's Toys Ever

All children need toys, but not all toys are created alike. While most bad toys are simply a bit boring, these eleven are the absolute worst of the worst. In fact, you’ll notice a lot of these are so ridiculous tha...

Playmobil Apple Store

The Playmobil Apple Store is a preschool geek's dream toy! It features the Genius Bar, kid's corner, sales floor, and a conference room -and comes with over 60 accessories! And get this -you can slip your iPhone in p...

Top 5 Viral Pictures of 1911

(YouTube link) YouTube combines vintage footage, special effects, and modern memes to salute the viral videos of 100 years ago with this top 5 countdown. Somehow this video has 7,200 likes and a few hundred dislike,...

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