Archive for March 26th, 2011

20 Disposable Camera Hacks

I don't know about you guys, but ever since I got a digital camera, I've never looked back. Film is so unpredictable, expensive and the limited quantities are always frustrating. That being said, there is something c...

The Adult Fort Club

(vimeo link) Forts and the Inbetween is a club founded by adults around the building of forts and the psychological and social effects such activities have. For us, to build a fort is to create a safe space where w...

The Lion on Gripsholm's Slott

You may be asking for trouble when you commission taxidermy work from someone who is unfamiliar with the species. That was just the case for King Frederick I of Sweden in 1731. The lion was a gift, but after it died, th...

Art That Looks Like David Lynch's Hair

The San Francisco based writer Jimmy Chen has put together a nice post over at the HTMLGIANT blog, where he has compared some of David Lynch's different hairstyles with famous pieces of art, like Starry Night by Vinc...

Fossil Food Dinosaur Cupcake Mold

Fossil Food - $11.95 Dig up your dessert! Make your next cupcakes in these fun cupcake molds featuring four different dinosaurs. Each cupcake mold has 3-D "fossil" at the bottom: Triceratops, Pteranodon, Hadrosaur, an...

Rubber Glass

Inventables is a store where you can find special materials for filmmaking effects or for science demonstrations -or just for fun! If you're going to smash through a window, consider making a pane of rubber glass. Mix...

Ode to the Brain

(YouTube link)The ninth song in the Symphony of Science series uses auto-tune to melodize scientists telling us about the amazing human brain. This creation features Robert Winston, Vilayanur Ramachandran...

This Week at Neatorama

This week we managed to give away a baker's dozen t-shirts and a hat! Why? A, folks love to win things; b, we enjoy how creative you guys are with your contest entries; and c, we are promoting the NeatoShop, which is Nea...

EaTheremin, the musical fork

(YouTube Link) This screaming fork strikes me as yet another way for kids to torture their parents at the dinner table. The EaTheremin, developed by researchers at Japan's Ochanomizu University emits a high pitched soun...

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