Our pal Rob Beschizza over at BoingBoing made this great, original MIDI cover of "Mad World," by Tears for Fears. Awesome montage of death scenes from classic 8-bit games.
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Hi everyone. You can get the MP3 (320kbs!) at BB and the youtube page now. Thanks!
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I may be mistaken, but the 'Narc' death, unlike most of the rest, is not the player dying, but one of the bad guys being shot by the player.
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Graystone: But YouTube's audio isn't HQ.
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Where to get that track? Just rip it off youtube... Plenty of free apps for that...
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I would hesitate to call these 8 bit games .. I remember most from my Atari ST / Amiga and I think they are actually the arcade versions from the 90's. 16 bit ..
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