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This video is in Japanese, so I have no idea what is being said. It appears that this guy has attached rollerblading wheels to every surface of an armored suit. First, he shows off his moves. Then he races a motorcycle down a steep, twisty road at high speed.
via WTF Japan, Seriously!? | Previously: Rollerman
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fake, smake, but if that guy riding the motorbike went any slower he'd have to start paddling his feet to keep from falling over!
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Come on guys, its an Entertainment Show, not Rocket Science....but i think now somebody has to send this to Mythbusters, think what THEY would do with this Rollersuit... : )
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Who's the 90 year old guy driving the motorcycle?
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JNolan - it is entirely possible to film with more than one person and more than one camera. It might be staged, but it's not fake. Also, any decent motorcycle and rider would be able to beat this contraption.
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Fake. There are shots from a vehicle in front of them, then it cuts to their Point-of-view... and there is no leading vehicle or camera. They did a few takes.
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