Homer the Dude

(YouTube link)

We seem to be on a roll with The Big Lebowski mash-ups. Coming hot on the heels of The Big LEGOwski, now we have Homer Simpson, Lenny and Carl reenacting the "They peed on your effing rug" scene at the bowling alley.

via GeekTyrant

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Glad you liked it. I hope you'll forgive my intentional misnomer - I realized that Homer wasn't "The Dude" in the clip, but my title was a tribute to the many "Homer The..." Simpsons episodes (Homer the Smithers, Homer the Moe, etc.)

I actually spent way too much time debating the pros and cons of that title, my inner Lebowski fan wrestling with my inner Simpsons fan and ultimately deciding that The Dude would be cool with it.

But thats, just, like, my opinion, man.
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