Baubike: The Bauhaus Bicycle

What do you get when you cross bicycling with Bauhaus design? Behold the BauBike by Michael Ubbesen Jakobsen:

The BauBike is inspired by Bauhaus design. It is constructed around the geometric shape of the square and the equilateral triangle. The design is stripped down to clean lines and raw material. - via thecoolhunter

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Likey, Likey!
Y'know, that Hitler asshole hated the Bauhaus movement and output...accused the place of being a klatch of social liberals and commies-Funny eh, that when a lot of the expatriates who fled the Weimar went to Tel-Avi they proceeded to turn that place into what it is today-A U.N. world heritage site with over 4000 Bauhaus structures. Funny because the U.N. is about as frikkin' Nazi-inspired as it gets!
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