This Week at Neatorama

This week, we welcome three, count 'em, three new authors to Neatorama! Phil Haney is currently a writer for Maker Studios' The Station and previously served as Senior Producer for the National Lampoon Creative Department. See his work at YouTube. Matt Sager is a freelance writer as well as a science fiction and comics fan. Visit his website Comics Cavern. J.P. Cole is an editor of a journal on culture and religion. That's all I could get out of him, so he remains a mystery man. These new additions are bound to enhance your Neatorama experience. Meanwhile, let's recap our exclusive articles of the past week.

Sunday, the fitness guru we all know died at age 96. Alex put together a tribute, Jack LaLanne RIP: 10 Facts About Jack LaLanne You Didn't Know.

New author Phil Haney took a look at five of The Best Cults.

Jill Harness found so much going on underground that she wrote a two-part article. Don't miss Underground Animals: Cool Cave Critters, Part One and Part Two.

John Farrier looked up 10 Facts You Might Not Know about Xena: Warrior Princess.

The Fight for Safe Milk: Pasteurization followed up last week's Swill Milk article, courtesy of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

The Annals of Improbable Research brought us a tribute to a master comedian in Four Cheers Five Victor Borge.

From mental_floss magazine, we found out Why Chicago Should be Called Phoenix.

Conceptis Puzzles, our partner site that brings you Neato-Puzzles, invites you to enter their Bottle Magic Sweepstakes any time up until February 10th.

In the Name That Weird Invention! contest, ladybuggs wins a t-shirt for coming up with the name “the Toothsayer”! Also tripleX had the second place winning name with “ayePad”, but didn’t specify a shirt. Honorable mentions to Andrew X for “Den-Tell” and to Trevor for “DenTell Plaque.”

This week's What Is It? game was a little different because we didn't have a definitive answer: no one knows what the item was used for! The folks at the What Is It Blog have a sneaking suspicion it's a case for a Tesla coil, but we decided to select the funniest and most imaginative guesses this week. The most imaginative was from arvana, who wrote a somewhat involved story insinuating that this case could hold the Prometheus Drive which would save the world's energy problems if it hadn't gone into the river (you really should read the whole thing). The funniest was when jjent567 declared the case was "fer me rat stompin' peg leg...".

The winners of the Tokyo Flash Treasure Hunt are Pecca, who won a Tokyo Flash watch, and fabio, JSJ, and ingsoc won prizes from the NeatoShop! The answers are in the address of the hidden answer post, which 150 people found.

Happy Groundhog Day for Wednesday and Happy Chinese New Year for this Thursday. Valentines Day is only a couple of weeks away, so order your unique and clever Valentine gifts from the NeatoShop today!

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