Judge me as you will, but this is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. At long, long last, Star Trek Mr. Potato Heads are on the way! I'm sorry, I'm going to need a minute. I'm getting all choked up.
PPW Toys will release Star Trek Mr. Potato Head collectible figures in a series of TOS-centric sets, and they’ll kick it off with Captain Kirk – going from stud to spud -- and his old Klingon foe, Kor. Subsequent sets will include Mr. Spock and Lt. Uhura, for example, and they may also feature familiar TOS equipment and Enterprise components.
Oh my God, Uhura Potato Head. Valentine's Day must have arrived early this year, because I am in love!
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Set phasers on suck. The only Mr. PH I like is in Toy Stories.
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