Archive for January 23rd, 2011

Jack LaLanne RIP: 10 Facts About Jack LaLanne You Didn't Know

Jack LaLanne at 92 (photo: nathancreminsino [Flickr]) The fitness guru Jack LaLanne has died. Now, many of you knew him only as an old man (albeit with a younger man's trim physique)...

Thomas Edison's 1911 Predictions for 2011

The 23 June 1911 issue of the Miami Metropolis featured predictions by Thomas Edison about life in America one hundred years hence. Here's a selection from of prophecies of "the Wizard", as the author refers to...

Robber Approaches Convenience Store Clerk; Clerk Pulls Out Samurai Sword

(Video Link) A suspect in fourteen robberies in the Columbia, South Carolina, area was finally caught after he suffered a major victim selection failure. A convenience store clerk responded to his demands for cash...

How to Trap a Baby

Babies in their natural habitat are often difficult to capture. But this video shows how you can use sweet foodstuffs to set an effective trap to catch this elusive prey. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] -via The...

30,000 Used Chopsticks Transformed Into a Fallen Tree

In China, roughly 100 trees a day must be felled to supply the country's demand for single-use chopsticks. In order to raise awareness and encourage the use of reusable chopsticks, the China Environmental Protection Foun...

Keyboard S'more

You've probably been working at your computer too long when your keyboard starts looking like a giant s'more. Link - via Craft:snacks...

Thomas Fuch's A Heart A Day

Thomas Fuchs of A Heart A Day draws - you guessed it - a lot of really nifty "heart" illustrations (with a twist). I particularly like the animated GIFs:Take a look at his drawings on his blog or as T-shirts ov...

Typographical Map of San Francisco

This is pretty nifty: Axis Maps produces street maps of San Francisco, Downtown Chicago and Boston (New York is next) that accurately depict streets and highways, as well as parks and neighborhoods using only typography....

BottomsUp: Padded Underwear For Men

Men, does "flat butt" syndrom bum you out? Well, there's an uplifting news: now you can get off your duff and don a pair of padded underpants to give your booty more bounce. (What? Think you can do better? Let'...

How To Pitch a Blockbuster

If your movie pitch got rejected, perhaps you weren't using the right buzzwords. Mike Jacobsen of See Mike Draw explains the secret of pitching a blockbuster to Hollywood: LinkSee also Mike Jacobsen's T-Shirt designs at...

Skouching: Skiing for Couch Potatoes

Attention, couch potatoes! Wanna ski but too lazy to get off the sofa to hit the slopes? Try skouching: Just screw a pair of skis to an old sofa or La-Z-boy and down you go! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]The only bad t...

Hair Plug Surgeon Went Wild

Darren Hope underwent hair transplantation 19 years ago, and recently found a nasty surprise on his head when he decided to shave his hair:A surgeon left the two-inch capital letters across the back of his nut by rem...

Little Big Planet IRL

(Video Link) David Hall and Shaggy Shanahan recreated a level from the PS3 game Little Big Planet. It's made in one, long continuous shot with manual special effects. via Geekologie | Previously: Big Li...

Scholarly Journal Promises to Reject Your Submission

Lately, I've been trying to get an essay published in a scholarly journal. Maybe I have a chance with this one! The Journal of Universal Rejection, hosted by Pacific University, offers a timely response an...

AdiĆ³s L.A.

Artist Jon Jackson has lived his entire life in Los Angeles, but has decided to move to New York City to further his career. He's saying goodbye to his city, or rather, breaking up with her. So Jackson put up 5 bil...

Superhero Aprons

Why is dinner taking so long? Aren't you supposed to be faster than this? Crafter Bethany makes, among many other projects, superhero and supervillain aprons. Featured characters include Wonder Woman, Green Lanter...

The Birth of Wonder Woman

deviantART user Pe-u offers this take on Sandro Botticelli's The Birth of Venus. One commenter speculates that the matron at the right is Captain Marvel, but I'm inclined to think that it's supposed to be S...

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