Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite in Firefly

There's a rumor going around that a little model of Han Solo frozen in carbonite appears in every episode of the space western Firefly. Supposedly, actor Nathan Fillion (Capt. Malcolm Reynolds) is a big Star Wars fan, so the set technicians sneaked the model into the background whenever possible. Amy Ratcliffe has already found several examples and has posted screenshots. In the above image, it's in the upper-right corner near Kaylee's bunk.

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Ah just look at the comments here. Firefly just seems to be universally loved by everyone that comes into contact with it. I adored it of course and for good reason. It is the finest piece of sci-fi that has ever been on TV.

This is just all kinds of sweet to see Han Solo in carbonite in a Firefly scene.

At least we'll always have season one and a movie that ties up some of the loose ends. Not ideal but I'll take it, hug it and call it George.
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They just need to forget the movie and bring back the entire Firefly crew for at least one real season of the show. The series was screwed when they played it out of order but it is by far the best Sci Fi show that even trumps Stargate SG-1 in my opinion.

I bet if the brought it back the rating would go though the roof.
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