Fart Extinguisher - $8.95
The holidays are filled with family, food, friends, and that person you know who passes large amounts of gas. To help this joyous season stink a little less invest in the the Fart Extinguishe...
Brody Qat attended a gathering of Santas as her character "Desaturated Santa", which she introduced last year, and posted photographs at Flickr. To counter many accusations of Photoshoppage, she also posted a picture...
When Brandon Peat and his wife Emma found out they were going to have a baby, they started thinking about ways to decorate the baby boy room and they finally came up with something fun and beautifully geeky.
Traditional folklore says that when a beekeeper dies, the bees must be told of the death promptly, or else they will either weaken and quit working, or they will flee the hive. This custom is found in far-flung locations...
Combine a well-trained dog with a helpful grocer, and you may never have to leave the house again! Zhang Tiegang of Changsha, China trained his dog Deng Deng to go shopping. Deng Deng is outfitted with a special harness...