Archive for November 5th, 2010

The Gettysburg Address Animated

(Video Link) Adam Gault, Stefanie Augustine, and Carlo Vega created this animated presentation of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. The sound effects are particularly well done. via First Things Previousl...

Radioactive Rabbit Trapped

Authorities at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the state of Washington have captured a rabbit that sipped water contaminated by radioactivity: A radioactive rabbit was trapped on the Hanford nuclear reservation, bu...

Turn an Aluminum Can into an Embossed Metal Box

(Video Link) Instructables user Mangetout turned an aluminum drink can into a very nicely embossed metal box. In this video, he provides step-by-step instructions on how you can do likewise. Once you look...

Chair Made of Couch Cushion Cracks

Don't you hate it when stuff from your pockets gets lost in the cracks between couch cushions? The design firm Daisuke Motogi Architecture decided to make this a feature, rather than a bug. The "Lost in Sofa Chair"...

Cheerful Victorian Gore

Artist Jessica Harrison made a set of ceramic and epoxy resin figurines that look like refined 19th Century ladies suffering from ghastly wounds. Pictured above is Grace. There are thirteen more examples a...

Annie Vought's Papercut Letters

Three years ago, we featured the amazing papercut letters of artist Annie Vought. Since that time, she's added extensively to her portfolio. The above image isn't a photograph of just a piece of paper. It's a...

Microsoft Uses Taxis to Make Better Online Map Directions

Microsoft, concluding that taxi drivers may be a good source of directions for its online mapping service, gathered GPS data from 33,000 cabs in China: Taxi drivers, in general, are far more knowledgeable about the ci...

Better Math Ability Through Electricity

Psst! Wanna be better at math? The answer may be shockingly simple: just give your noggin a little jolt!The electricity generated by a 9-volt battery might be all there is between you and the mathematical brilliance...

Longer Essay = Higher SAT Score?

Is there a secret to scoring higher on the SAT? According to 14-year-old Milo Beckman, there is: just write longer essays, regardless of content.A new study contends that if you write a longer SAT essay, you will get...

Man Disguised Himself as an Elderly to Board Plane

This one is a bizarre story of disguise and air travel: a man wore a realistic disguise to turn himself into an elderly man and boarded an Air Canada flight. Mid-flight, he went into the bathroom, took off his mask, and...

Ladies Prefer Red (and Yellow)

Ladies, which of the two men photographed above is more attractive to you? If you picked the one on the right, then like most women, you like yellow.It turns out that the secret to attracting women doesn't lie in how mas...

Cute Flash Game: Omnom Forest

We haven't done Flash games on Neatorama for a while, so this one is perfect: cute, easy to play and pretty fun!In the Omnom Forest, you play Omnoms, furry creatures that love fruits and hate acorns. Click on their belli...

10 Semi-Historical English Folk Heroes

Remember, remember the fifth of November... Oh yes, this is Guy Fawkes Day! In the 400 years that have passed since the Gunpowder Plot, a lot of the historical details of the story have become garbled in popular culture,...

Neatolicious Fun Facts: Daylight Saving Time

This weekend, the USA "falls back". Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends at 2AM on Sunday, meaning we will set out clocks back one hour. Your local custom may vary. Here are some things I recently learned abo...

Cupcakes on Cupcakes

Flickr user Make Way for Cupcakes made cupcakes topped with cupcakes! The secret is that the little cupcake on top is a miniature Reece's Cup with frosting. Link to photo. Link to instructions. -via The Daily Whatcup...

The Story of the Vietnam POW Bracelets

In the early 1970s, millions of Americans bought and wore metal bracelets inscribed with the name of one American who was missing in action or a POW in Vietnam. Those bracelets were the project of Carol Bates Brown, who...

Burdened Office Workers

This Friday’s Museum of Possibilities addresses the many kinds of burdens felt by office workers, and offers to “solve” or ameliorate some of them.Though office workers have more freedo...

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