Germany Makes Final Reparations Payment for World War I

In 1919, after the close of World War I, Germany was assessed 226 billion marks in reparations payments against its foes. On Sunday, that nation will pay its final installment of this bill:

The final payment of £59.5 million, writes off the crippling debt that was the price for one world war and laid the foundations for another.[...]

"On Sunday the last bill is due and the First World War finally, financially at least, terminates for Germany," said Bild, the country's biggest selling newspaper.

Most of the money goes to private individuals, pension funds and corporations holding debenture bonds as agreed under the Treaty of Versailles, where Germany was made to sign the 'war guilt' clause, accepting blame for the war.

Link | Photo: State of Virginia

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@max power: seconded. i opened the post because as a german i was sure this had to be a hoax.

Using "bild" as a source for serious news is... look, its just not done, ok? You wouldnt referr to breaking economic news from papers that bring you proff of UFOs - this is the same.
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'Stupid and silly.', 'Pointless... utterly pointless.', and 'It's a profound waste of perfectly good llama dung.' are just some of the many pointed comments against people insisting on being paid for harm done to dead people and corporations, but some people are insisting the practice of paying reparations for nearly centuries old conflicts be abolished and the countries made to pay be paid reparations for the suffering of those forced to pay taxes to fund said reparations. This and more, from the news at six.
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