The Evolta robot -- the mascot of Panasonic's line of batteries -- will roll 500 kilometers from Tokyo to Kyoto. It's powered by 12 AA batteries, and the trip is meant to serve as a public demonstration of the batteries' endurance:
Link | Photo: Sankei News
The Evolta humanoid, whose new design is meant to resemble an ancient highway traveler pulling a two-wheeled cart, measures 17 centimeters (7 in) tall and 40 centimeters (16 in) long. Constructed mostly of lightweight plastic, carbon fiber and titanium, the robot weighs about 1 kilogram (2.2 lbs). It is powered by 12 AA batteries and operated by remote control, and it can travel at a rate of 3 to 5 kilometers per hour (2-3 mph). If all goes according to schedule, the robot will complete the journey on December 10, after 49 days of walking.
Link | Photo: Sankei News