We've previously seen Guillaume Reymond's stop motion human Tetris. Now he presents a similar video showing Pac-Man. It was created using 111 human pixels over a 4 hour period.
these videos (pac man, tetris, pong, etc) are awesome. My thoughts on them are here. you like pac man check out the video this swiss artist made, it’s pretty awesome. http://monkeybusiness1.wordpress.com/2010/09/13/avant-garde-atari/
wow it looks like pack man but if you took it and ran it through a machine that produced pure garbage and aimed it at 80's nostalgia blinded bloggers.*stepping away to drink * Simply fantastic now that I am fully drunk and slurring my words while avoiding punctuation and making huge run on sentences . I hope they remake another low res classic using what seems to be a class of the most boring people to have not killed them selves out of sheer boredom. my votes on pit fall.
I can't believe I wasted 2 minutes watching that.