The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and DARPA have begun testing the effectiveness of a thought-controlled artificial arm:
Link via Nerdcore | Photo: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory/DARPA.
Researchers plan to install the first system into a quadriplegic patient; while amputees can be outfitted with traditional prostheses, the MPL will be the first artificial limb that can sidestep spinal cord injury by plugging directly into the brain. This isn’t the first brain-controlled interface to be used in humans – we’ve previously reported on Braingate, a system that uses brain impulses to control computer cursors and restore communication to locked-in patients. But the MPL will offer the first hard-wired neural control of bionic body parts, whether lost to injury or neurodegenerative disease.
Link via Nerdcore | Photo: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory/DARPA.
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I just know that I'll wind up as a screaming head riding atop a robot soldier as it kills and subjugates humanity.
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The first step is to read your thought, then to see if they can control them would be next. Nice side project to test their progress. A weapon to control the mass populate is just around the bend.
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