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This Academy Award-nominated short film is about an old woman who tells her little granddaughter the tale of Sleeping Beauty. But grandma has some anger issues with people in her past (and present) and weaves them into the story. The film is entitled "Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty"
Link (self-starting sound) via The Presurfer
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I love it! Nothing like a semi-original bedtime story to keep the young'ns awake! XD
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I thought you guys might post this eventually. It's a really wonderful short which Brown Bag (the producers) are currently trying to turn into a television series. Granny even has her own twitter account http://twitter.com/grannyogrimm which is pretty funny, she has a facebook page too.
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Gorgeous and funny.
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Hilarious. Very similar to the stories I tell my kids although this version is much more sedate. Love how the little girl gets the same look on her face as them, too. :-p
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