Problem: Like a lot of dogs, Boniface the dachshund get upset when his owner Sergei Gorbunov leave him out of activities.
Big Problem: Gorbunov likes to go diving and dogs can't breathe underwater.
Solution: A special wet suit and diving mask built just for the intrepid dachshund!
Gorbunov, who is director of diving at Vladivostok Maritime College, said: 'We created the suit for my pet Boniface.
'He always worries when divers disappear under the water so for his sake we have had a special doggy diving suit made, complete with an oxygen tank.
'We think the experiment has been a great success, Boniface felt comfortable under the water but maybe or maybe not because we fed him sausages before and after.'
Even if it is a wiener dog...
Those wacky brits. First they're oh so cruel to their little wiener dogs, and second they have no clue how deep humans can dive.