Orienting Subway Riders

Graffiti can be useful! Someone has been painting compasses on the sidewalks of New York City at subway exits. If you've ever ridden a subway beneath a city, you know how helpful this can be when you re-emerge and have to get your bearings on the street level. The question is: why hasn't anyone thought of this before? Actually, they have.
Using sidewalk compasses is an idea that has been tried before by both official and unofficial sources. In 2006, a blogger snapped a photo of a compass on the sidewalk at the 8th Street L station; someone else caught one on Bleecker. The City of New York's Department of Transportation got in on the act in 2007, installing compass decals in the ground at selected stations around midtown, in a pilot program that doesn't seem to have been continued.

Maybe this time, the idea will stick around. Link -via The Daily What

(Image credit: Paolo Mastrangelo/NYC The Blog)

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Brilliant! I feel like such a boob when I come out of the subway and cannot figure out where I am. Of course, I am a total boob for not knowing--but I don't want others to know, too!
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