That's not a tiger in the picture, but a dog dyed to look like a tiger. It's an example of what The Daily Mail reports is a growing hobby in China: dying and trimming dogs' hair so that they look like different animals.
At the link, you can see what I think are keeshonds costumed as panda bears.
Link via Geekologie | Photo: China Foto Press/Barcroft Media
Recent figures show money spent on pets across the nation has seen nearly a 500 per cent increase between 1999 and 2008 - but, arguably, at the cost of their pets' dignity.
Quite what the animals might think about it is another matter.
At the link, you can see what I think are keeshonds costumed as panda bears.
Link via Geekologie | Photo: China Foto Press/Barcroft Media
anyway, this is no worse than what we do to poodles:
If they're doing this instead of trying to cut the willies off of every creature out there to put in their latest virility soup, works for me.