Because BoingBoing raised the most money, narrowly edging out Neatorama, they got to select one random player for their team who scored 5 items from the xkcd/Breadpig store. A big congrats to BoingBoing and to Sean Doyle, who picked up the spoils! And thanks to Alexis Ohanian for sponsoring!
The 10 randomly selected Wii game-set winners, courtesy of, are: Linda Ocasio, Abbie Fox, Michael Poser, Travis, Sarah Hans, Parker Lindstrom, Patricia Hyde, Drew Starr, Alex, and James Mcilhargey! So check your e-mail kiddies, ‘cause we need your snail-mail addresses to be able to send those game-sets out!
And finally, our grand-prize winner, who scored an Apple iPad, courtesy of neatorama, and will go on GSN-Live (that’s the TV show for those who don’t know) in the coming weeks to talk about our contest and her charity of choice, please join us in congratulating Vanessa, who played for Team Neatorama (w00t!) and donated $100 to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society!
If you’d like to catch her on TV, check back often with our Facebook page and we’ll let you know once GSN schedules her appearance.