What Your Email Address Says About You

Matthew Inman of the webcomic The Oatmeal has some strong opinions about the computer competencies of users of different email providers. At the link, you can read his scathing criticism of Yahoo and AOL users.


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when one uses any form of stereotyping(email addresses included) you can be sure that individual is either on his/her way or already is a bigot.................
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Turns out the comments were more interesting than the actual post. Well well.

I have gmail, hotmail and yahoo and use them all and fall into none of the categories. Most people I know have at least 2 adds.
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I have them all and then some for various reasons but I stick with my AOL most of the time because I've had it since it was my only option forever ago. I have no need to change it now or get everyone to start emailing a new address
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