The Best Time to Buy Almost Everything

Plan your purchases ahead of time to take advantage of seasonal clearance, inventory control, off-season discounts, and some factors you probably never even thought of! Get your air conditioners in October and your sweaters in April, and you're almost guaranteed to save money. Here are a few examples from an extensive list of savings times:

# Furniture—January and July, when stores need to make room for new inventory.

# Gas grill—Like air conditioners, the best time to buy is during winter months, when demand for outdoor grills is low.

# Cookware—April and May (think graduation and wedding prime time) and October and November (holidays approaching).

# Linens—January “white sales” and the end of each season (i.e. as spring approaches, winter-colored linens will go on sale). It’s common to see linens (in all colors, not just white!) on sale for up to 60 percent off retail.

# Mattress—New mattresses arrive in stores in May, when you’ll find a good deal on the previous year’s models.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by nuiloa.

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It's difficult to keep things in stock - manufacturers aren't making as many items as before the recession and retailers aren't carrying as much inventory.

The same goes for the NeatoShop - if you see anything you like, better buy it.
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DVD/Blu-Ray: wait a year if you can, or at least 3 months if that's too long. The initial releases of movies on DVD are always way more expensive and usually have minimal extras. After a year you'll get the multi-disc special edition and it will be half the price, maybe even 3-for-2 in your local supermarket. The wait is even longer for TV series - if you can hold off until the show is cancelled, you'll pick up the 'every episode ever released' box set for a fraction of the combined price of individual seasons.
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