Manga Farming

Want an earth friendly way to upcycle old manga or maybe even telephone books! How about using them to grow radish or other sprouts, like this project by Japanese artist Koshi Kawachi. It would make in interesting conversation piece. My only concern would be that the book might get moldy after a few days, but perhaps you could transplant them into a pot or garden.

Link - via mademoisellechaos

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by KMOM14.

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A lot of production printing processes use heavy metal drying agents in the ink. It's necessary when the drying time between putting the ink on the paper and folding the sheets into flitches is measured in seconds.

Plants grown between pages coated in ink that contains heavy metals would almost certainly pick up some of the metal themselves.

At very least, I'd want to check it out before eating anything grown that way.
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Right. So you basically take the carbon trapped in the paper, transform it into radish and other sprouts, eat it and then release it into the atmosphere as methane -- or as carbon dioxide, when the waste is burned. Earth might not think you're that friendly, after all.
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