(YouTube Link)
5 Second Films is an ongoing project by Brian Firenzi. Each film consists of two seconds of opening credits, five seconds of story, followed by one second of ending credits -- the perfect format for people with short attention spans. The video above contains the twenty films that Firenzi considers to be his best. Content warning: NSFW language.
via reddit | Official Website (self-starting audio)
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its only for just time pass and money.
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These are my College friends and I am happy to see them getting some promotion. Especially since my favorite blog is posting on them.
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loved it all
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"Late for Work" and "Forgetful" were my favorites.
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I think the brilliance of 5 Second Films is in showcasing the power of editing. The good ones (and there are lots) tell a mini-story in five seconds. That's what I love about editing. And Late for Work was the best here.
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