Squirrel Fishing

(YouTube Link)

This freaky video demonstrates what Weird Asia News describes as a trendy hobby in Japan: squirrel fishing. It involves attaching a nut to a fishing line and raising a squirrel off the ground when it bites in.

Ever since 1997, Japanese men, women, and children have been fishing for squirrels as a fun and harmless pastime.[...]

The goal of squirrel fishing is to lift a squirrel into the air using only a fishing pole with a nut tied to a string as bait. The fishing pole can either be a real fishing pole, or simply a long stick tied to a rope. Either way, the pole is cast in front of a hungry squirrel in the hope that he will jump for it and latch on, allowing the fisherman or fisherwoman to raise the furry little critter off the ground and into the air.

Link via Urlesque

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Abdulhamid - Banzai was a British-aired TV show and we don't have rabies over here (at least, very very rarely and it's a massive deal if it ever happens and is dealt with quickly). So we can fish away safely :)
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Banzai was never a real Japanese show, just a show spoofing Japanese culture. It's entertaining, although it's a shame it has to come at the expense of Asian culture. A bit like a minstrel show, really.
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I'm Japanese.
They are NOT Japanese.
I think it's Chinese language they are talking.
Don't know if it's Mandarin or Kantonese.
Those characters on the back ground seem like it's Chinese, too.

But I hope I can see this show in Japan.
It's funny.
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