What Is It? Game 127


Hooray! It's time for our collaboration with the always awesome What is it? Blog. Can you guess what the strange object above is for?

Place your guess in the comment section. One entry per comment, please - though you can enter as many as you'd like. The first one to guess correctly, and the funniest yet incorrect entry (as judged by yours truly) will win a free T-shirt of their choice from the Neatorama Shop.

IMPORTANT: Please write your choice of T-shirt in your guess (so go there and look around, mmkay?). Write no URLs or weblinks - doing so will forfeit your entry. You have till the right answer is posted on the What is it? blog.

For more clues, check out the What is it? Blog. Good luck!

Update 2/12/10 - the answer is: A fog nozzle for a fireman's hose, it was a predecessor to today's nozzle where a twist of the tip can change the water pattern from straight stream to various fog patterns. Years ago the fog nozzle was favored but currently the straight stream is preferred.

Congratulations to Tim H who got it right first (well, close enough) and to SweetMonkeyCreek for this gem: "It's a boot that law enforcement can use for people who illegally park their bowling balls."

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Bob had two hobbies, bowling and showcasing his mint 1967 Gran Torino. Martha, Bob's wife, was tired of both. Bob decided to skip town on his aniversary to go to a bowling tournament. This was the final straw. On the night that Bob got back from the tournament, Martha got even. When Bob went to go to work the next morning, he found his lucky bowling ball welded in a jail of sorts. This bugged Bob a little, but he realized he could get it out. However, upon stepping outside he noticed his car completely stripped of its hood. Bob realized that the hood encased the bowling ball he saw. Bob never missed another aniversary.
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Looks like an air-relief valve. Turn it upside down, put it in top of pipe or whatever. Water raises the ball, closes valve. Air lets ball drop, open valve.

Keep them pumps primed, baby.

"People Like You Are The Reason People Like Me Need Medication" XL please. :)
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