Drug House Advertising ... by the Cops!

Getting drugs sure got a whole lot easier for Belleville, Washington Illinois residents. The police there place signs to let everybody know exactly where to buy them!

The police have only two signs, and when they use them at a location, it'll likely only be for a day, and only during daytime hours. However, the sign will be up again on West H Street today because police used
it for only part of Wednesday. The signs are heavily weighted, which police expect will deter people from stealing them.

When asked whether he thinks the signs will advertise where people can buy drugs, Sax said that those buying the drugs probably already knew to get them there in the first place.


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Would it not be a better idea to arrest the drug dealers living in the house? If they are indeed selling drugs, that's a crime. Why not arrest them? If they aren't doing anything they could be arrested for, isn't it libelous to post the sign falsely?
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