Compare The Meerkats - For Real

The United Kingdom went meerkat crazy in the latter part of 2009, thanks to a viral advertising campaign which really had nothing to do with the animals.  Here is a look at the world of the meerkat with some pretty cool facts about (seemingly) everyone's favorite mongoose.  Oh, the pics are really cute too.

Meerkats always have black patches around the eyes, which to the us makes the meerkat seem more human. The patches are, in fact, to help deflect the strong glare of the African sun. Likewise its ears are black and are crescent shaped. When the meerkat digs – as is its wont – then the meerkat is able to close its ears to keep out the sand. The meerkat – like the moggy in one respect at least – has binocular vision. This means that it uses both eyes together.

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by taliesyn30.

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From the article: Not all meerkats in a clan are allowed to mate. There is in meerkat society an alpha pair. These are the dominant male and female and they absolutely retain the right to mate and produce young. Any females found to be pregnant may be evicted. Even if this does not happen then once the pups are born the alpha female will usually kill them as soon as possible, even if the pups are related to them in some way.

Now that's hard core ... and welcome back, taliesyn30!
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