Bedtime May Save a Teenager

Teenagers need more sleep than other age groups; nine hours is recommended. But many only get seven or even fewer hours of sleep each night. A recent study found that adolescents whose parents set an early bedtime for them had fewer bouts of depression and suicidal thoughts than those whose parents set a later bedtime. Most adolescents in the study complied with set bedtimes, getting to bed an average of five minutes later.
Results show that adolescents with parental set bedtimes of midnight or later were 24 percent more likely to suffer from depression (odds ratio = 1.24) and 20 percent more likely to have suicidal ideation (OR=1.20) than adolescents with parental set bedtimes of 10 p.m. or earlier. This association was appreciably attenuated by self-reported sleep duration and the perception of getting enough sleep. Adolescents who reported that they usually sleep for five or fewer hours per night were 71 percent more likely to suffer from depression (OR=1.71) and 48 percent more likely to think about committing suicide (OR=1.48) than those who reported getting eight hours of nightly sleep. Participants who reported that they "usually get enough sleep" were significantly less likely to suffer from depression (OR=0.35) and suicidal ideation (OR=0.71).

The researchers in this study say there are several ways sleep deprivation can lead to depression. Link -via reddit

(image credit: Flickr user Carlos 57)

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Bobblehead said what I thought when I first saw this story. I have seen it in several places and none of them mention the parent/child relationship even though they all clearly mention the bedtime was set by the parents. Whatever the reason, my 16year old daughter just told us she'll be going to bed earlier because of this study! We'll see how long it lasts.
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Alex: "I've always thought that high school should start at 11 and end at 7pm. That would've made me so much happier!"

I was lucky enough to have 12 to 6 classes last semester, college can be great that way. High school would have definitely been much more productive for me with those sorts of hours.
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This doesn't surprise me. I know I had a crappy sleep schedule all through high school until my senior year. Then, for some reason, I started going to bed at 10 and waking up at 6 on weekdays. I felt a lot more alert and did better in school even though the amount of sleep I was getting remained the same.

I guess it's better not to fight our body.
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Booblehead - yup, I wonder how they controlled to seperate cause from effect. I've a feeling that this whole study may be putting the cart before the horse.

Our twelve year old is in bed 10.30 on school nights, but he's free to read until he drops off.
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