First Monkey to Ever Walk on the Moon Declared Dead

The History Bluff (motto: "Making a mess of history") brings us another headscratcher with the sad news that the first monkey to ever walk on the moon has passed away.

On June 3, 1981 Harlan the Monkey became the first primate to ever walk on the moon. Harlan died on November 18, 2009 of an apparent Tang overdose.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by geezyreezy.

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Sad part is that with it being published on the Interwebs, some stupid kids will now grow up believing that it actually happened.

....ya can't stop stupid....
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Humans share 90-95% of the same genes with apes so from a Darwinian perspective the headline's right. Oh wait, Armstrong's still alive. Maybe not.
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