Wheelchair-Bound Man Tackles Suspected Child Molester

Cameron Aulner is not a man inclined to let his disability limit him. While working his first day at the Comcast table at a Westminster, Colorado Wal-Mart, he intercepted a suspected child molester, tackled him, and held him down until police arrvied:

The affidavit says one witness, Chris Bevin, saw the suspect, 34-year-old Kevin Salyers, run from the toy department. Bevin told investigating officers that he began to run after Salyers, and shouted "stop that man!" But no one was able to stop him.

That's when a man working at the Comcast table at the front of the store went into action. Even more amazing, the Comcast employee, 22-year-old Cameron Aulner was in a wheel chair. Aulner pulled in front of the suspect, and grabbed his t-shirt. Aulner says he wound up out of his wheel chair, and on top of the suspect who was on the ground.

Link via Say Uncle | Image: Fox News

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I have to agree. "Wheelchair-bound" is a negative term. And for that matter, so is "molester". "Child" isn't inclusive for age, either. And "suspected" is a little presumptuous. "Man" isn't gender-inclusive, and doesn't set realistic goals for young girls to aspire to. And "tackles" is too violent.

Can we not say, instead, "Differently-abled person intercepts possible minor-oriented person"?

Of course, they'll probably have to let him go if he's a Hollywood director.
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The child molester might have been an Academy-Award winning film director. We really don't have enough information to know what to think at this point.

If it's some local pervert, that's one thing, but maybe this guy is like foreign and has made a good movie and so that makes it ok.
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