Archive for October 1st, 2009

The World's Largest Wind Farm Began Operations Today

The world's largest windfarm began operating today. The Roscoe Wind Complex is composed of 627 turbines over four counties in western Texas. According to E.On Climate and Renewables North America, the owner, it is alre...

Why Early Humans Started Walking: Food and Sex

Why did early humans walk upright? Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University has an intriguing hypothesis after studying the oldest human skeleton, of the species Ardipithecus ramidus or "Ardi" for short:...

Art Inspired by Craigslist "Missed Connections"

Image: Sophie Blackall Sophie Blackall is a Brooklyn-based artist who is fascinated by the Missed Connections postings on Craigslist. She finds them to be bite-sized insights into the human experience. Jenna Wortham...

Electricity-Generating Backpack

Image: Lightning Packs Lightning Packs is a company that is developing backpacks that generate electricity with the motion of their users. As the user walks, the spring-mounted backback bounces slightly, turning a ge...

Personal Laws à la Star Trek

Remember the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode with Ashley Judd (rrrowr!) as Ensign Robin Lefler? That character has a set of 102 "personal laws" to live by. "When I learn something essential,&qu...

6 Weird, In a Cute Way, Plush Toys

Our very own Neatoramanaut Jill Harness wrote this very neat post over at InventorSpot about 6 "weird art" plush toys. I'm going to quibble with her and say that these are 6 "omigosh cute" plush toys...

Gruesome and Bloody Things to Decorate Your Home

We go from cute to downright gruesome. This here is a post by Miss Cellania about furniture and accessories that will make your house into a bloody crime scene over at our pal mental_floss blog that makes me slightly afr...

What Car Would Spock Drive?

What kind of car would Spock drive if Spock drives a car? Well, you don't have to wonder. The Drex Files blog has a rare photo of Leonard Nimoy in full costume as Spock posing in front of this car (his car?) on the Desi...

Werner Herzog's Notes From The Amazon

In 1982, filmmaker Werner Herzog wrote and directed an epic movie called Fitzcarraldo, based on the life story of Peruvian rubber baron Carlos Fitzcarrald. In the movie, a man named Fitzcarraldo traveled to the...

Edison The Grand Lamp, a Giant Table Lamp by Alex Bergman

No, that's not a really tiny woman. Rather, it's a gigantic lamp shaped like a regular ol' table lamp. Designer Alex Bergman created this Edison the Grand lamp for Fatboy studio. The large size of the lamp (it stands abo...

The World Needs More Pooh

That's the opinion of the Trustees of Pooh Properties, which manages the estates of author A. A. Milne and illustrator E.H. Shepard.  They have authorized a new sequel in the Pooh series.  Return to the Hundred Acr...

Gigagalaxy Zoom

This is what I ended up with after just a minute of playing around with Gigagalaxy Zoom, a project by the European Southern Observatory.  Start with the Milky Way galaxy as seen by the naked eye, zoom into a section of...

Twitter User Served Writ...By Tweet!

A lot of Twitter users are impersonating celebrities, using the social networking service to send bogus tweets on behalf of someone else.  That is against the site's policies, and a ostensibly a crime.  Now, for the fi...

Top Ten Great Movie Deaths

If ever there was a cause for a Spoiler Alert, this would rank.  The very nature of good films is the conflict factor, which will ultimately end with someone's demise.  But who's whose?  And how?  When it's done memo...


Fifteen years ago, Berkeley scientist Tim White and a team of researchers from Ethiopia and America found bones of a hominid older than the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy (A. afarensis). The team collected 110 bones,...

Magic Dots

Make your own fractals with just a mouseover on these magic dots. Other interactive toys on the same site are just as fascinating, or should I say, addicting. Link -via Gorilla Maskinteractive, fractals...

You’ve been shagged by a rare parrot!

(YouTube link) Stephen Fry gives Mark Carwardine a hard time after the parrot attempts to mate with the zoologist. From the BBC series Last Chance to See. -via Arbroathmating, endangered, parrot, BBC...

A Day at the Magic Kingdom

Today is the 38th anniversary of the opening of Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. In honor of the occasion, Disney created a stop-motion video using the tilt-shift effect.“A Day at the Magic Kingdom Park&rdq...

Vintage Ads: Translation, Sex Appeal, and Innuendo

You ought to wonder what a wind-blown skirt and cleavage have to do with shoeshine, but you know what was on the minds of the men who came up with this advertisement! See more hilarious and suggestive magazine ads from t...

11 Unbelievable Glittering Golden Objects

Gold is a precious metal so you would, understandably, assume that it is used sparingly and wisely. However, that's not always the case. Some people have more money than wit, as you can see from how one of the most exp...

The 15 Ugliest Cars Ever Made

Car design has gotten a lot more uniform and bland over the years, so it's tough to find any truly outrageously ugly cars of late. Which is a shame as the ugly cars of old had tons of character and added to our shared ex...

The Unique Origins of 25 Popular Products

So many of the things we use daily are so old that it's hard to imagine a time when they didn't exist and needed to be invented. Almost every invention has an interesting backstory however, here are the origins of 25 thi...

Shooting Old Living Things

Rachel Sussman is a photographer living in Brooklyn, New York. One of her current projects in progress is called "The oldest living things in the world". On this map you can see the places she has visited to take...

Winestein Beer and Wine Glass

Winestein - $19.95Is that an elegant wine glass or a manly beer stein? Actually, it's both! Behold the Winestein, a double-walled beer mug with an internal cavity shaped just like an elegant wine stem. You've only got a...

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