The Daily Telegraph has assembled what it considers to be the twenty strangest ads ever placed on Craigslist. These include a chair that Ralph Nader once (possibly) sat in, a drunk clown, and a woman who would like to rent out her bathroom. Here's one for a vast collection of papal mitres -- Pope hats:
Link via Hit & Run
Image via flickr user Beechwood Photography used under creative commons license.
"Because of this terrible economy, I'm having to shut down my business. I have OVER 1300 Pope hats (replicas) that I REALLY need to get rid of. The pope hats came from China and are a little too small for most adult heads and are also irritating to the skin, so you would need to have long hair or wear a smaller hat underneath (just like the REAL POPE). Dogs do not like to wear these pope hats, but maybe a large cat or maybe a nice dog would wear one."
Link via Hit & Run
Image via flickr user Beechwood Photography used under creative commons license.
Honestly, what do you expect for a FREE posting site.. there are always going to be the messed up weirdos ruining all the fun... lol