Save the horseshoe crabs! Just Flip 'Em!

Horseshoe crabs are cool for many reasons (trust me). So here's a campaign to tell people what to do if you find one on its back. Just Flip 'Em! There's even a theme song.

Our Just flip 'em! program is designed to bring attention to the hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) who die each year from stranding (stuck upside down) during their yearly spawning ritual and to encourage individuals, through a simple act of compassion, to take the time to assist and appreciate these remarkable creatures, who will not survive public indifference.

The idea is simple: when you see a horseshoe crab that is stranded upside down on the beach, just flip them over. It's important not to flip them by their tail, however. Even though it looks scary, the tail is very delicate and can be easily damaged. The best way to turn them over is by the edge of their shell. No need to be cautious; the horseshoe crab doesn't bite or sting and it's claws are very gentle and won't hurt you.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Melphistopheles.

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Newest 5 Comments

Well I think that the horseshoe crabs will be fine without us humans waisting time one them. I mean they have survived many, many , many , many, many,many,many thousands of years with out our help and will hopefully continue to survive. Why do us humans try to save Christmas. Someone allways has to save christmas.
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