RunPee is a handy site that let's you know when it's the best time to run to the bathroom during any given movie. Then they tell you what happens during the 4-5 minutes you were away.
They have new releases and classics, and now there's even an iPhone app that alerts you when a good opportunity is coming to answer Nature's call.
Link | Image courtesy Elizabeth O. Dulemba
"This way you not only know when to go, but can also find out what you'll be missing. You will no longer miss those ultra-important scenes, or need to come back to your seat and ask someone, 'What did I miss?'"
They have new releases and classics, and now there's even an iPhone app that alerts you when a good opportunity is coming to answer Nature's call.
Link | Image courtesy Elizabeth O. Dulemba
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JORDAN Palmer.
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BTW, this site is partially owned by Jesse Palmer, brother of Carson Palmer (1st-string quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals) and 3rd-string quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals (guess the site is a backup plan).
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I just hold it until the end and then i pee for like a minute.
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My kid keeps her mouth shut, cause she's properly trained. Licorice and slushies beat duct tape by a mile.
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It is true Josh. I hate the movies too, and generally go only to the earliest showing of a movie that is about to be pulled from the line-up.
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