Three weeks ago, peashooting athletes met in Witcham, UK to battle for the championship:
The crowd at Saturday's World Peashooting Championship looked on in wonder as George, 58, the sport's reigning superstar, languidly lowered his laser-guided shooter. This was no kiddie toy. This was a weapon of mass peastruction.
In an age of advanced ballistics, it's tempting to scoff at the humble peashooter – essentially a lung-powered piece of pipe – but technology prospers in improbable places, and there was enough of it at Witcham, Cambridgeshire, to impress the Pentagon.
Link via Ride Fast & Shoot Straight via Hell in a Handbasket
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So they're calling bong design "pea shooting" these days eh?
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You might take a bullet for someone else, but you can't take a pea for them.
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(Obligatory Plants Vs. Zombies reference)
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I'm surprised the UK Health and Safety Executive hasn't banned them for "possible ocular expulsion." It's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out...
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I swear...humans will make anything a competition. I'm surprised peeing isn't a competition of some kind.
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