The picture was owned by Jack and Beverly Wilgus for 30 years, and they originally thought it was a whaler with a harpoon. After posting the picture online, several readers suggested it was not a whaler, and one thought it might be Phineas Gage himself.
Intrigued, the Wilguses compared their image to that of a life mask at Harvard Medical School's Warren Anatomical Museum and found it could be superimposed perfectly, with scars lining up correctly. Apparent writing on the metal rod in the image matches writing on Gage's iron rod, which is also in the Warren Museum. The images can be viewed at http://brightbytes.com/ phineasgage.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by
kinda like robert cornelius (first person to be in a daguerreotype)-antique hotness (and neatness too!)