Wanted: "People-Effective" Person for $197,000 Job

Psst, want a £119,000 job? (That's US$197,000 for us Yanks) The job of "Director of Organisation Development" in Yorkshire can be yours ... if only you can decipher the want ad:

Huddersfield-based Kirklees Council's job description mangled the language with phrases like "cross functional experience" and "people effective".

The council advertised the position as "a key leadership role that will help make a complex organisation increasingly confident, energetic and focused as it delivers the outcomes that the Kirklees communities require".

It said the successful candidate would be "a leader with presence, passion and panache" who would "play a key role in ensuring the effective integration of national, regional and local drivers".

Another impenetrable passage warns that the new director will face the challenge of making sure "that the diversity of Kirklees is understood by all in the organisation; is valued as a strength but a strength that challenges us to respond to its complex implications; and is reflected in the career structures within the organisation".


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I think you've missed the point. Speaking as someone who lives in Huddersfield and knows of people who have lost their jobs within Kirkless due to 'cost cutting' it seems a smack in the face to them to see such a position offered when the same money could fill 5 or 6 other more productive/worthwhile employments (the average wage in Huddersfield is £20 to £30k a year).

Glad to see that the MP's aren't the only ones wasting my hard earned taxes...
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Disappointing. I was expecting this to be like one of those billboards with a complex equation on it and the message, "If you can solve this, we're interested in you." That wasn't particularly confusing.
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Although, I do have to agree with the sentiment of over-obfuscation. It could be stated much more simply. Its indicitive of a mindset problem (one that that workplace probably has), and that is: using filler-techniques make somethink look like you put more work into it, but there is no added substance.

Its like what school students do pad their page/word count on a writing assignment. Workplaces would be more efficient if they beat (figuratively) that habit out of whatever employees displayed it.
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I made perfect sense to me. They want you to be a good manager, keep subordinates happy and motivated, allocate people to tasks efficiently, and (perhaps, as subtext) not provoke a prejudice-based lawsuit.
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