My Milk Toof

The blog My Milk Toof features the pictorial adventures of ickle and Lardee, two baby teeth. Here's the backstory:
When I was young, I placed my baby teeth under my pillow and when i woke up I'd find a shiny new quarter. But whatever happened to those little teeth? Where did they go? Would I ever see them again?

Many years later, a little tooth was standing at my door. It looked familiar. It's name was ickle. Welcome home, my milk toof!

The simple stories and photographs are just plain adorable. Link -via Metafilter

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I love the little milk teef. I keep imagining the photographer maybe finding these little teeth figurines at a yard sale or something and thinking, "hey, wait a minute..."

Plus, the photographs have a lovely mid-century feel to them. Reminds me of children's books from the 50s.
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